Bad breath, also medically called halitosis, can be a sign of other health problems. For some people, it’s just an occurrence once in a while but for some, it’s a daily problem. With a bad breath Doral treatment, this problem can have a solution. But before we talk about solutions, let’s talk about the top causes of bad breath first.
Top Nine Causes of Bad Breath
Most bad breath is caused by poor oral and dental hygiene. If you don’t clean your teeth and your mouth regularly, food particles can remain in your mouth or teeth and a sticky buildup of bacteria (also known as plaque) on your teeth. The uneven surface of your tongue as well as your tonsils can trap food particles and bacteria in the mouth which produce bad breath odor. Poor oral hygiene also causes other oral health conditions such as cavities and gum diseases which can be also associated with bad breath.
Eating Flavorful Food & Drink
After eating certain foods such as onions, garlic, certain vegetables, and spices— these odor-causing food particles enter the bloodstream and are carried to the lungs, where they affect the odor of your breath each time you exhale.
A strong cup of coffee in the morning to start your day may energize you, but did you know that coffee can cause bad breath? It can be a cause of bad breath due to its intense flavor as well as the effect it has on saliva production. After drinking coffee, the caffeine leads to a decline in saliva production. Less saliva means an increase in odor-causing bacteria.
Alcohol consumption is another culprit of bad breath, that’s why the more often you drink - the more likely you are to experience it. Drinking alcohol, particularly in excess, causes a decrease in saliva production, which is the best environment for odor-causing bacteria to flourish.
In addition to adventurous or spicy foods, diets that are high in sugar and protein can also result in bad breath. A high-sugar diet can lead to bad breath and could be the culprit for halitosis due to how sugars interact with the existing bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria feed on sugars turning sweet treats into sour smells.
Carbohydrates serve crucial functions in our bodies, and if your diet is low enough in carbs, it can lead to bad breath. When the body doesn’t get enough carbs due to an extreme diet, this can cause changes to your body’s metabolism which can lead to bad breath.
High-protein foods are sometimes difficult for your body to digest and tend to release sulfurous gases when they don’t metabolize. Avoid this by eating a more balanced and nutritious diet including more vegetables and herbs.
Whether it’s cigarettes, chew, or pipe— these tobacco products cause bad breath and lead to much more serious oral health issues. Apart from leaving your mouth smelling like an ashtray, they damage the gum tissue and cause gum disease.
Poor digestion, constipation, or bowel disorders can all cause unwelcoming odor on the breath. If you frequently experience acid reflux, the odors from recently consumed foods may easily make their way back up the esophagus and out the mouth, causing bad breath.
Saliva helps keep your mouth clean by removing food particles that lead to bad breath. When the production of saliva slackens or stops, a condition known as xerostomia, bad breath is likely to follow. This happens naturally while you sleep, which is why most people find their breath to be a bit stinky upon waking up. But if the problem persists throughout the day, bad breath treatment in Brickell may be worth considering.
What Are Some Helpful Tips to Improve Bad Breath
There are numerous tips you can do to avoid bad breath. But to summarize it all, do the things that promote proper oral hygiene and avoid eating food with a strong smell. Proper oral hygiene involves brushing and flossing your teeth properly, and a regular trip to your dentist in Doral.
Dr. Sonia Olivares has an extremely high success rate for bad breath cases and is confident that we can help you eliminate your problem. The vast majority of bad breath cases – nearly 90 percent – are caused by periodontal disease or gum disease. Dr. Sonia Olivares is uniquely capable of providing bad breath and halitosis treatment because she also specializes in the treatment of gum disease.
Don’t suffer any longer! Bad breath treatment in Miami by award-winning cosmetic dentists Dr. Sonia Olivares. Call us at 305-620-8272 today!
You can also schedule an online consultation today! What’s great about Dr. Sonia is that she offers different kinds of convenient and flexible payment options. Our staff can help you arrange a suitable payment plan to fit your needs.
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